Dr. Buenaventura is very grateful to have an outstanding team to work with. We work and care for you together and patients always compliment the warm atmosphere they encounter in our office. We love our patients and our job!

Patty Carr, RN
Director of the Operating Room.
Patty is a registered nurse and the Director of the Operating Room. She has worked with us for over 20 years and trained as an Operating Room Fellow at Fairfax Hospital. Patty prepares the Operating room on the day of surgery and assists during surgery as a scrub nurse and surgical assistant. She processes the sterile instruments, oversees the surgical caseloads and coordinates chart review with our accreditation partner, QuadA. Patty will also see you postoperatively and perform dressing changes. She also assists with laser procedures, Broad Band Light therapy, aesthetic injections, minor surgical procedures, and Coolsculpting Elite treatments. Patty is a dedicated and conscientious nurse, and her positive energy enriches our office. She also shares her baking talents with us often!