
A Facelift (Rhytidectomy) is a surgical procedure designed to remove excess skin from the neck, jawline and cheek as well as tighten the facial muscle in these areas. providing a more youthful appearance.  Skin ages from sun’s radiation, stress, gravity, smoking which cause skin to sag and can create jowls and fullness. Removing fat deposits from the neck and jowl area, tightening neck muscle and facial muscle, and removing excess skin results in a more youthful appearance.  Scars are around the front and back of the ears, and under the chin.

Surgery is performed under anesthesia so that you are very comfortable, and the anesthesiologist will monitor your blood pressure and fluid balance.  Surgery generally takes about 4 hours.  Most stitches are removed the second week, and some are dissolvable.  Pain is minimal.

Reasons for Considering a Facelift:

  • Loose skin in the face and neck
  • Visible muscle bands in the neck
  • Excess fat on the neck or jowls
  • Feeling that your outward appearance doesn't match how young you feel. 

General Procedure

The procedure for a facelift commonly involves making incisions around the front and back of the ear and elevating the skin and fat as well as tightening the SMAS muscle.  The excess skin is then removed. Neck fat and jowls are treated with "micro" liposuction to improve the profile and make the neck and face appear younger.  Excess skin is removed from the neck as well and tightened behind the ears.  Surgery usually takes about 4 hours.  We tailor the technique to your individual needs. This is performed under general anesthesia.

Recovery Process

You will awake with a soft padded wrap over the neck and jawline and head.  This is not meant to be tight, just supportive and protective.  We usually have you come in within 1-2 days to change the dressing and check the incisions.  We recommend two weeks of resting quietly at home.  Some bruising is normal. A combination of dissolvable and removable suture is used. Any discomfort can be treated effectively with oral medication.  Patients look younger, refreshed and feel more confident.  We recommend no travel or exercise for about 6 weeks after surgery.

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